Lyme Disease and Stealth Infections
Lyme Disease is a serious debilitating condition that is often undiagnosed and unrecognized in Australia (and worldwide). Some literature says this tick-borne disease was discovered in Lyme, Connecticut, USA 1975, following a mysterious outbreak of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. However, reports of Borrelia DNA have been found in a frozen ‘iceman’ dating back to 5300 years ago! It is now increasingly common in North America, Europe and has been introduced to Australia possibly by via deer ticks, sheep or migratory birds.
Lyme disease infections may be caused by spirochete bacteria e.g. Borrelia burgdorferi (and many other strains of Borrelia). Many Co-infections are also common with Lyme disease such as Bartonella, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Rickettsia, Mycoplasma or protozoa e.g. Babesia. Many patients have a history of mould exposure and affected by mould mycotoxins. There is a very strong link to past viral infections such as Epstein Barr Virus and other herpes viruses and a whole plethora of other stealth infections and parasites. It is often complex!
Acute Lyme infection
Often associated with a tick or other vector bite (but not always). Only 25 % of people report the associated ‘bulls eye rash’.
Flu like symptoms may appear up to two weeks after infection, muscle aches and pains. Fever, chills, headaches, sore throat, swollen glands, aching muscles, aching joints, rashes, heart palpitations, anxiety and fatigue.
Chronic Lyme
Symptoms of flu may disperse but chronic fatigue, joint pains, aching muscles and ‘brain fog’ may become more prominent. Unfortunately, the list expands to affect every system in the body e.g. the endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, GIT and adrenals.

A typical “Erythema Migrans Rash” is seen near a tick bite in 25-50% cases, is a significant initial sign but may not always be present.
An increasing number of patients are being tested for Borrelia bacteria and tick-borne co infections in Australia although they have never left the country! Some of the most common areas of possible infected ticks are The Sunshine Coast, and around Brisbane, Queensland and the Northern New South Wales border. There are a number of cases in Perth now too.
The usual treatment strategy of conventional medicine involves long-term use of antibiotics that have their own consequences. Herbal Medicine can be highly beneficial used alone or in conjunction with medications to minimize side effects of drugs and strengthen the immune system. Herbal medicine can reduce the Herxheimer reactions, strengthen the immune system and address debilitating symptoms of Lyme disease such as anxiety, adrenal exhaustion, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, brain fog, mould sensitivities and digestive symptoms.
© Amina Eastham-Hillier 2017